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Rare Mineral
Type Locality

Description Tabs

Mont Saint-Hilaire, Montérégie, Québec, Canada
Crystals on Matrix
Size Range: 
Thumbnail (1-3cm)
2.5 × 2 × 1.5 cm
Largest Crystal: 

MSH is the type and, currently, the only known locality for garronite-Na (IMA2015-015). It is a rare mineral here. Garronite-Ca (the “original” garronite) has not been reported from MSH.

The first pair of photos (FOV 2.4 x 3.6 mm) shows two pale blue-gray, “lumpy”, pseudo-octahedrons of garronite-Na ca 0.9 mm in maximum diameter. There are at least three unidentified minerals in the photos as well. Dark “fuzzy” spheroids similar to the ones shown are quite common in many environments at MSH. But my attempts to get them identified have resulted in conflicting and, at times, implausible, results. If one looks carefully, one will note that at least one of the fuzzy spheroids is much more “open” than the others. I have had no luck identifying either type. In addition, there are aggregates of thick tabular, colorless, glassy crystals (e.g. at center-left). I don’t know what these are either. Nor do I know what the tan crust on aegirine is (bottom of photos). I don’t think that any of these unknowns are likely to be “new and exciting”. I just don’t know what they are.

The second pair of photos (FOV 2.5 x 1.7  mm) shows smaller, “lumpier”, aggregates of garronite-Na in another cavity. These are more gray than blue in color and appear to be mostly aggregates of small crystals. The group at top center spans about 0.6 mm. The garronite aggregates almost completely surround another aggregate of dark-brown speheroids (seen in the center of the photos), but they are stuck in a narrow cavity and I didn’t mange to light up the other side of the cavity so as to show the complete “ring” of garronite.

Single item (small box) shipping weight 2.5 oz. For shipments outside the USA, up to a total weight of 8 oz (225 g), this could be combined with other items from this or future auctions for the same postage. If you wish to keep an “open box”, let me know.

For shipments within the USA, there is a nominal increase of about $0.20 for each additional ounce. Above 13 oz I will use “own box” Priority Mail ($8.75).


Mineral Data
What's on the rock


Crystal System: 
Type Locality: 
Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada
LMB minerals

Seller Information

Payment options: offline, paypal_wpp, paypal_wps

Seller's terms and conditions

In addition to the standard terms and conditions, please note the following. Almost all IDs are visual. While in most cases the ID is obvious, there may be cases where it is not. If you are doubtful about a particular ID, please ask for more information. Or do not bid! Similarly, if you are not sure that the specimen meets your criteria, do not bid. I have tdone the best I can with the photos. Nevertheless, if you are not happy with a specimen for any reason, I will refund the bid price – but not the shipping costs (unless the fault is clearly mine) – if the specimen is returned. This policy applies even if analysis of the specimen shows that my ID was incorrect. When in doubt, ask - or don’t bid. Note that most crystals at MSH and Varennes are micros - even if on large specimens. Please pay attention to the stated sizes. Any customs duties, fees etc. are the responsibility of the buyer.